Another kind of fifth

Americana-tinged indie pop that flows so smoothly that it is almost impossible to remember that there are bands who cannot manage to write a single song as good as each of the four here.

The Silver Negative
Stealing Songs EP

By and large, the Silver Negative is Bek Zaganjori, and there are hints here and there that betray the one-man nature of this recording. On the whole, though, the tight sound on these songs sounds like a band that has been playing together for ages.

These four songs don't even last twelve minutes in all. Hardly a blip in time. But the wonder they create is much more far-reaching. There's not much analysis to do here. Zaganjori has crafted four gems that approach perfection. Drop everything and devote a fifth of an hour from your day to this EP. I guarantee that fifth will multiply quickly. Wonderful stuff.

Jon Worley

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