1/13/25: Returning anew What was once the Santiago Leibson Trio is now LEIBA Trio. This is the first album recorded under that name. Leibson is currently based in New York, but he went back to Buenos Aires to work out some new ideas with his old mates. Working as a classic jazz piano trio (Leibson on piano, Maximilliano Kirszner on bass and Nicolas Politzer on drums), the interplay between the three reaches new heights.
The sound is remarkable. The dynamic range of the three players is astonishing, and their interplay exists within a space with the feel of a warm room. Each member jumps out and then blends back in, raising up the whole above the individuals. Subsequent listens will reveal some very inventive work that lies just below the surface. These pieces never feel rushed; they have a lush languidity that envelops the ears quickly. Perhaps most to the point: These are compositions, not improvisations. They draw from many traditions and don't feel forced in the slightest. This amble never loses steam. Even in the quietest moments, the ears are drawn forward. Astonishing sonic imagery.
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