From down under with love (or something)

What if the Go-Betweens were a bit more jangly and experimental? And added some horns? And of course Restless Leg is from Sydney. There are few places on earth that seem to warp brains enough to create pop music this idiosyncratic.

Restless Leg
Dance Around My Head
(Sinister Porpoise)

Restless Leg has been at it for more than a decade, and while its sound has filled out a bit, the seemingly lackadaisical VU-meets-Chills style pervades. Despite the ultra-loose feel, I think the band has clipped off some loose ends and really tightened up its playing. What sounds easygoing is absolutely not.

On the other hand, if you're putting together the soundtrack for a day in the sun, Restless Leg has a few to offer. These are bright, fun and often surprisingly involved bits of non-fluff. Perhaps the Go-Betweens reference is making a bit more sense to you now.

Just a wonderful ray of joy, with brightness emanating all around. The songs themselves are not always so blithe, but the music simply carries the darker thoughts to even more interesting places. In every way, this sounds like something I've heard (and loved) a hundred times, but Restless Leg is completely itself at all times. This bonded with my synapses and simply won't be pried away. Entrancing.

Jon Worley

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